卓卓教育网 > > 医护 > 有关护士的重要性的英语作文


来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-05-25 编辑:admin 手机版





高。全国医护英语水平考试(METS)(可能是)目前国内唯一一个医学英语相关考试。METS全称为Medical English Test System,即全国医护英语水平考试。是由教育部考试中心与中国国际人才交流协会联合举办,面向我国医药卫生人才全国性的专业英语考试项目。




There is no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. Our nation takes a faster pace to open up to the outside world in recent years, and especially after our entry into WTO, we will be more open and integrate into world economy. More and more foreign friends travel and work at China. It makes the English is very very important in every aspects. The penetration rate of English is very lower in China. So we must improve the English level of ordinary staff. Such as, the nurse in one hospital. Let me see how many advantages have if one nurse can speak En.

1. Telephone Appointment

It is more offen in overseas that the patient make the telephone appointment before he

decide to consult the doctor. If the nurse be good at English, he (or she) could know some

basic messages of the patient and give some good suggestion to the patient. Tell the

patient when and who will be free at that time. It will not waste the paitent's cherish time.

2. Guidence service

If the paitent go to the hospital dirrectly without telephone appointment, the nurse could

provide some guidence service.

(1) To know the basic messages of the symptom.

(2) Help patient fill the registration card. Age,gender,address and things like that.

(3) Tell patient which department the paitent should register with and the route to his

denstination or show the way.

(4) To acompany patient to do some examination if nessary.

(5) To helpf patient to take the medicine and tell paitent how to take pill.

(6) To remind patient some attention in the home and the re-examination date if nessary.

(7) Call the taxi for the patient if nesscary.

If the nurse do all above works with smile, I think it must give a good impress to the patient.


With the deep development of world economy's globalization and intergradation,we communicate between countries.Of course,we use kinds of language to communicate with people.So if we want to express our real ideas accurately,we should use the right words.As a nurse,they face lots of patients,It is absolutely that they communicate with each other.English is used widely around us.It is necessary to learn English for nurses because the nurses can get the basic informations from the patients at the first time.

There is no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. Our nation takes a faster pace to open up to the outside world in recent years, and especially afte

