卓卓教育网 > > 医护 > 广东医学院教学点


来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-06-26 编辑:admin 手机版








添翼百国际护士培训学校,ISPN协作组织成员单位,讲师都是国外回来的,经验很丰富,讲的也好,可以度报面授班 网络班,暑期班也有全日制,虽然是一年的学费,但是可以重复听,学会为止,内考不过免费重学,要报班的容话这个是最超值的。 记得采纳为答案啊!!!!

五、帮忙翻下这个~~~急用 高分等你拿

School Advantage

1, school and mechanisms

Training Institute is the training of health care professionals in an international and innovative educational institutions. Adopt a non-degree diploma education + higher education, vocational skills training + + Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools four modules complement each other to form an education industry chain, high-quality completion of the international health care personnel training. Expansion of international students for employment and effective radius of the work, highlighting the advantages of international competition for jobs.

Healthy City School of relying on the same time, the overall project benefits and training personnel to both the health of the city departments of employment, but also to foreign co-operation institutions, pension institutions, hospitals transfer.

2, teaching cultivate strong

(1) Teaching Training Internationalization

College of the introduction of foreign advanced medical teaching philosophy, in accordance with the teaching mode of foreign medical tutorials, practical training into the Western model, the introduction of international online courses, academic and operational skills to achieve domestic and international integration. Not only for in-school foreign-related departments to provide internship opportunities, but also for the international idea of serving the medical staff to continue education and training, to adapt them to foreign health care workflow, faster integration into the international atmosphere.

(2) internationalization of teaching staff

College of Education is set entirely with reference to foreign curriculum, teaching faculty selection criteria in accordance with the outline. Returnees selection of professional teachers and scholars (some courses taught by foreign teachers directly). Require teachers to have extensive teaching experience in foreign affairs, modes of delivery into line with foreign countries to adopt an open, interactive teaching. Health of the city nearly a hundred Chinese and foreign experts groups on national health care experts pillar of the internationalization of college teaching staff.

College using foreign original materials, hiring of international experts with years of experience speakers, all taught in English, while selection of outstanding teachers in charge of public English, medical English, intensive training.

(3) Teaching the management of international technology

? College adjustment in accordance with international co-operation programs, optimize the structure of courses, science in hours allocated to actively carry out the teaching management research. The introduction of foreign cooperative education institutions, teaching programs, language courses intensive courses and professional backbone to achieve docking and part of the credit transfer courses.

? Specialty Construction Innovation: The partner universities rely on the advantages of wide range of disciplines, focusing on the development of the medical profession the direction of foreign affairs. Combination of international demand for foreign-oriented health care, foreign-related care, foreign-related Chinese medicine, health care professionals in English, pension management and medical nutrition professional building.

? Combined objective of fostering international talents and health personnel needs of the city, the city benefits the rational use of health resources for teaching reform; actively introducing foreign courses in English original materials, to achieve substantive Sino-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools projects docking.

? College campus using multi-media teaching and digital information management, by drawing on international management experience in medical and nursing schools and education systems, educational evaluation criteria system standards and strengthen teaching management. I assess the hospital with internal audit mechanism, the teaching quality of Chinese-foreign cooperative audit to ensure the quality of teaching.

3 advantages of international cooperation,

College has with the United States, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Japan and other countries, universities and medical groups to establish an in-depth a wide range of cooperative relations.

Through enhanced international exchanges and cooperation, combined with medical schools that practice, in-depth reform of teaching. Concept of international nursing education needs of nursing professionals and international integration, the introduction of an international curriculum, adjusted curriculum, hiring teachers in accordance with international standards.

