卓卓教育网 > > 建筑师 > 感人至深的故事英语怎么说


来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-07-20 编辑:admin 手机版




Touching story


story 英[ˈstɔ:ri] 美[ˈstɔri, ˈstori]

n. 故事,传说; 历史,沿革; 内情; 传记;

vt. 用历史故事画装饰; 讲…的故事; 把…作为故事讲述;

vi. 说谎;

[其他] 第三人称单数:stories 复数:stories 现在分词:storying 过去式:storied过去分词:storied


You are my eyes, I appreciate the seasons transform; you are my eyes, take me through the crowd; you are my eyes, take me to read the vast sea of books. Because you are my eyes, let me see the world in front of me......

You are my eyes

Blind singer Xiao Huangqi's song you are my eye touched countless people. In order to make the deaf son to study like a normal person, a mother to resign followed by his son or relatives can apply for the whole, into a child's ear, from primary school to university has been more than ten years. She is Yang Naibin's mother, Tao Yanbo, my school's mechanical and electrical professional.

When Yang Naibin was a year old, because of a cause have a fever bleeding eardrum, eventually he lost hearing function. This gave Tao Yanbo a big blow to his family.

Tao Yanbo 48 years old, every day from morning to night, almost all to accompany beside his son Nai Bin Yang, and his son learn together, son of the teacher, parents.

In order to treat the children, they passed a lot of places, but the doctor's conclusion always let them down. Many people advised Tao Yanbo to send the child to the deaf school, but Tao Yanbo did not give up. For the son, she specially from his home in Heilongjiang to Beijing to learn the lips, and then a little bit to teach his son talk, read.

Tao Yanbo insisted that his son go to normal school, for this she made a difficult to let people understand the decision: to accompany the children to go to school to go to school. In this way, from the first grade to the University, the mother and child two people together to learn. Tao Yanbo is the son's ears, is the son of the guide. Yang Naibin's school, teachers, students also provide the best conditions for the mother and child. After constant practice, Yang Naibin also can compare normal and human communication.

Yang Naibin hope is a return

Now, Yang Naibin hopes to graduate with their own efforts to repay their parents, return to school, return all the people who help them.

A lot of people with respect, in a time of tears and applause to watch this Chinese people's spirit of the epic . The winner of the award in the ordinary among the great, but also deeply moved by China, but moved China the meaning is not only for the Chinese people to bring. Have moved China, but also to have action china.

Easy to be moved is the conscience of mankind and nature dictates, it is just the first step of goodness, more important is to do good, moved into a solid following and action. Only when the real action, can bring the real change of morality, this world will have love and turn.

To build a socialist core value system, the need to lead a moral model, but also need to follow the example of every country. Moved, cried, move it, don't just do a sitting on the side of the road to applaud.

