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来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-06-29 编辑:admin 手机版


1.protect the environment 2.keep the health 3.healthy 4.draw oneself's bite and sup up 5.clean the room 6.交朋友get friend 或 make friend with sb 7.望回信 I will be very appreciate if you can send me letter early 8.图表作文from this chart we can see that.....(一般通用)饼状图pie chart 9.关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 10.越来越严重\重要 more and more seirous\importent 11. 任何事物都是有两面性 Everything has two sides 有有力的一面也有不努力的一面it both has advantage and dis advantage 12.聚焦于 focus on sb or sth 13.国家发展与建设country's development and construction 14.全球变暖 global warming 15.better Shanghai:better city better life 16.面对某事 face sth 17.做某事的重要时刻 it is the high time 或this is the right time to do sth 18.尽管如此nonetheless 19.完全同意fully agree with 20.总而言之 In a word 21.最后 at the very last

英语作文 做一名合格的高中学生

How to be a good high school student

How to be a good high school student? This is a common question faced by all junior middle school graduates who successfully entered the high school phase of education. In my view, there are three important factors in achieving success as a high school student.

First, a good high school student needs to study hard and achieve excellent academic results. The high school period only lasts for three years, and it is of critical importance to a person's learning and self-improvement. If we study hard enough, we will be able to pass the college admission exams easily and have a good beginning in our college study.

Second, a good high school student needs to develop a good habit of learning and study. That means we should not only focus on the knowledge we can learn from textbooks, but also read extensively from other sources and follow closely the latest developments in our society. We should also learn to think independently, with creative ideas. Only by doing so can we develop strong social adaptability and obtain the ability to get used to college life as quickly as possible.

Third, a good high school student needs to foster moral integrity and develop a sense of social responsibility. We should be honest and protect ourselves from various kinds of bad influence from outside the campus. We should also try our best to contribute more to our society -- for example, by offering more volunteer service in our spare time.

It won't be easy to become a good high school student. But everyone of us must work hard toward this goal, not only for a better future for ourselves, but also for the good of the society as a whole.

