卓卓教育网 > > 大学 > 求英语强人给三篇高中生的英语作文


来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-06-30 编辑:admin 手机版

1. 《A Pleasant Day》Therewas a great party on a Friday 15 September at the local primary school lastyear. It was the beginning of the term and the school decided to have a welcome party for the new comers.The teachers and students had to make preparations for the exciting party. They bought some food and drinks. They also did beautiful decoration to the classrooms. They prepared some lovelymusic as well. At one pm when the partystarted, the head master gave a welcome speech to all. Teachers and old students introduced a littleabout the school. Some old students sangand danced for the new students. The newstudents were shy at the beginning, just sitting there listening to people,eating and smiling, but they also joined in the singing and dancing later.

Itwas a great party to help the new students to get to know each other and theschool. It was a successful party andeverybody enjoyed it. 2. 《The Love From My Parents》 Sometimes some young people are complaining that they don't get enough love from their parents. I always think the love we get from our parents is priceless. I remember one day when I arrived home after school, it was quite late. It was all dark in the rooms, which is not normal. I walked around and found my mum slummed in the sofa in the living room. I didn't know what happened and just at that time, my father came in. We found out that my mother was sick. We took her to the hospital and didn't came back home until nearly midnight. The next morning, I got up and found mother in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for me, as always. There are so many such small things in life but some of us just take it for granted. We might not be able to do the same to our parents, however, we should study hard to repay them. Love from parents is really priceless.

3. 《The First Time to...》I will never forget my first time to Shanghai. I went to Shanghai with my parents 10 years ago. At that time, many places in China were not as beautiful as they are today. When we first arrive at Shanghai, I was amazed. There are so many tall buildings in the city. The streets were wide and the traffic was always busy. What's more, there were so many foreigners everywhere. I have seen in the films things like that. It made me think of New York at once. We went to many interesting places there and we had a great time.

