卓卓教育网 > > 初中 > 初中英语词组大全


来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-07-16 编辑:admin 手机版





1. a lot of

You spend a lot of time learning English.

2. neck and neck

I mean to catch him up and come neck and neck into the winning post.

3. hear from

Have you heard from them recently?

4.eat up

Eat up, children!

5.be full of

We should be full of confidence.

6.be good at

She is good at singing.

7.each other

We write to each other regularly.

8.a long time ago

I gave that idea up a long time ago.

9.face up to

We must face up to our responsibilities and not try to get out of them.

10.give up

We had to give up the castle to the enemy.

11.get up

Getting up early is a very good habit.

12.fall from

When the fruits are ripe, they fall from the trees

13.in a word

In a word, I can't go out as I have many things to do.

14.kick at

The man kicked at the legs of Jack.

15.at last

By Heaven! It's raining at last!

16.take turns

Susan and her brother take turns (at) doing the dishes.

17.on top of

Put this book on top of the others.

18.push at

I pushed and pushed at the heavy box but could not move it.

19.make up of

Society is made up of people with different abilities

20.year after year

Year after year I have had a letter from Arthur on New Year's Day.






1.agree with同意……意见;符合;一致

2.ask for请求;询问

3.arrive at/in到达

4.begin with以……开始

5.come from来自

6.feel like想要

7.fall behind落在……后面

8.fall off掉下

9.get to到达

10.get on上(车)

11.get off下来;从……下来

12.hear of听说

13.knock at/on敲(门、窗等)

14.laugh at嘲笑

15.look at看

16.look after照看

17.listen to听

18.look for寻找

19.quarrel with吵架










meet v. 会面

family n. 家庭

read v. 阅读,读

grandfather n. 祖父, 外祖父

grandmother n. 祖母 ,外祖母

father n. 父亲

mother n. 母亲

brother n. 兄弟

sister n. 姐妹

hi int. 喂,你好

same a. 相同的

flat n. 套房,公寓

all a. & pron. 所有的,

live v. & n. 住,生活

Mr. n. 先生

Mrs. n. 夫人

block n. 街区, 大楼

Rose n. 罗斯(人名)

garden n. 花园

estate n. 房产,物业管理公司

thirteen num. 十三

old a. 老的,旧的

name n. 名字

show v. & n. 出示,展览

young a. 年轻的

younger a. 更年轻的

your pron. 你的,你们的

short a. 短的,矮的

small a. 小的

mine pron. 我的

big a. 大的

how a. & ad. 怎么样

many a. & pron. 许多

people n. 人们

dog n. 狗

also a. 也,还

only ad. 只,仅

than ad. 比

Simon n. 西蒙(人名)

yours pron. 你的,你们的

Mum n. 妈妈

friend n. 朋友

Hello int. 喂,你好

nice a. 好看的,漂亮的

* * * * *

ask v. 问

answer n. & v. 回答

about prep. 关于

photograph n. 照片

talk v. 谈话,交谈

age n. 年龄

say v. 说话,说

speak v. 讲,说

write v. 写,写作

find v. 找,发现

member n. 成员

some pron. 一些

pair n. 双,对

pet n. 宠物

tall a. 高的

survey v. & n. 调查

group n. 组,小组

question n. 问题,提问

classmate n. 同班同学

like v. 喜欢

woman n. 妇女,女人

act v. 行为,行动

shoe n. 鞋子

gave (give)的过去式

what pron. 什么

dinner n. 主餐,正餐

then ad. 然后

said (say) 说

o'clock n. 点钟

time n. 时间,次数

bed n. 床

for prep. 为了

introduce v. 介绍

word n. 词,单词

learn v. 学,学习

always ad. 总是

usually ad. 通常

Alice n. 爱丽丝(人名)

sometimes ad. 有时候

Eddie n. 艾迪(人名)

supermarket n. 超市

with prep. 和......一起

thing n. 事情,东西

play v. 玩耍,玩,打

football n. 足球

cinema n. 电影院

breakfast n. 早餐,早饭

homework n. 家庭作业

watch v. 看,观察

television (TV) n. 电视

walk v. & n. 散步,走

park n. 公园

dish n. 碟子

beach n. 沙滩,海滩

table n. 桌子

above prep. & ad. 在......上面,在上面

complete v. 完成

below prep. & ad 在......下面,在下面

sentence n. 句子

Tommy n. 汤咪(人名)

target n. 目标,靶子

Unit 2

good a

