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初中英语听力训练 从试卷来看典型题型

来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-07-16 编辑:admin 手机版

一、初中英语听力训练 从试卷来看典型题型



6.Who are goingto the airport?

A.Lisa andJulie.B.Lisa andEmily.C.Emily andJulie.

7.What is Alexdoing?

A.Cleaning theclassroom. B.Playingbasketball. C.Playingpingpong.

8.How was Sue's vacation in Australia?

A.Awful. B.Boring. C.Great.

9.Where is theboy buying a big house for his parents?

A.In a big city. B.In thecountryside. C.On a beach.

10.How long isthe girl staying in Toronto?

A.For threedays. B.For five days.C.Foreight days.




11.What does Tedwant to be when he grows up?

A.A computerplayer. B.Acomputer shop owner.

C.A computerprogrammer.

12.Where will Tedwork?

A.In hisfather's company. B.In his uncle's company.

C.In his owncompany.


13.What does Marywant to give back to Fred?

A.His keys. B.His glasses.C.Hisjackets.

14.What did Freddo with his group last month?

A.They didexperiments. B.They cleanedthe street.

C.They did someshopping.

15.How many timeshas Yantai been one of the best civilized cities of China according to thedialogue?

A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times.


Things some people do on the bus[

They close their ________(16)and listen to music without looking at the old people.

Some ________(17)their faces to look out of the windows.

They ________(18)to give their seats to the old people without listening to the ticket sellers.

Things we should do

Be ________(19)and help the persons in need of help.

Give your seats to the people with ________________(20)and let old people get on or get off the bus before you.





76. Because the girl whispered something, but the writer didn't understand.

77. Her pen was out of ink and wouldn't write.

78. It was important to stand on our own two feet and be responsible for ours own actions.

79. Because the teacher thought the writer had cheated on the test.

80. Sometimes doing someone a favour can make you into trouble.

81. Yes, I will. Because helping others makes me happy.


