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来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-07-07 编辑:admin 手机版



1. C(带杯水到班上是要举例子。)

2. B(水在短文中是指负担。)

3. C(如果有时候能放下负担,可能就不会那么累。)

4. A(这是一节跟生活中的负担有关的课。)

5. C(这位老师用的方法使他的课容易理解。)





Ali,who was working a long way from home wanted to send a letter to his wife,but he could neither read nor write, and he had to work all day,so he could only look for somebody to write his letter late atnight .At last he found the house of a letter writer whose name was Nasreddin.

Nasreddin was already in bed.It is late,he said. What do you want? I want you to write a letter to my wife , said Ali , Nasreddin wasnot pleased. He thought for a few seconds and then said, Has theletter got to go far? What does that matter? answered Ali.

Well, my writing is so strange that only I can read it, and if I have to travel a long way to read your letter to your wife, it will cost you a lot of money. Ali went away quickly.

Multiple choice

( ) 1. Ali wanted to____to his wife.

A.get something B.have a letter written

C.bring a flower D. say good-bye

( ) 2. At last he found the house of_____.

A.a writer B.a seller C.an old man D.a letter-writer

( ) 3.When Ali told what he wanted to do Nasreddin was______.

A.not pleased B.pleased C.excited D.angry

( ) 4.Nasreddin said that his writing was_____.

A.easy for anyone to read B.strange for anyone to read

C. too strange for anyone to write D.difficult for anyone to read

( ) 5. This story tells us______.

A.not to ask anybody for help B.not to trouble others at night

C.not to ask for help without money D.not to trust others

三、10篇英语阅读理解+翻译+问题+答案 急~~~~~~初二

No.4 middle School

Kunming ,yunnan

April 2nd ,2004

Dear editor (编辑) ,

I live in a beautiful city . Many visitors come to my city . there are so many colorful peacocks (孔雀) here .

The peacocks mostly live on the grass land of Dongfeng Square

They are given food freely by visitors . They usually throw food to them , and don’t think about at all whether the food is right or not . Some of the peacocks became ill , some even died after eating the bad food given by the visitors.

I’m sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the birds , but don’t realize (意识到) that they may be doing them harm (伤害).

The visitors should be told that what have done is very harmful to the birds , and this kind of thing must be stopped from happening .

Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food . For us every person , it’s our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after them carefully.


Sun Yan

()6.Many visitors come to the writer’s city to __________.

A. do some shopping B. see beautiful peacocks

C. play on Dongfeng square D. eat nice food

()7.Some peacocks became ill and died because some visitors ______;

A. did’t give them any food B. gave them too much food

C. threw them some bad food D. loved them and played with them

()8.Some shops can be built beside Dongfeng Square so that they may _____________.

A.sell food for visitors B. sell food for peacocks

C.make the square more beautiful D.have the beautiful birds

()9.From the passage we know people should __________.

A. live and play with the birds

B. stop the birds from eating too much

C. give right food to the birds

D. give more food to the birds

()10.We can guess the writer of the letter, Sun Yan , may be a _____.

A. visitor B. shopkeeper C.square keeper D. student

6-10:B C B C D

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