卓卓教育网 > > 初中 > 初一英语作文题材(30个)


来源:https://www.zzjyw.cn 时间:2024-06-30 编辑:admin 手机版


1.my summer holiday 2.the wonderful trip 3.my favourite food 4.my parents and i 5.the exciting olympic game 6.the sports meeting 7.my birthday 8.spring festival 9.a car accident 10.the....park 11.Liu Xiang 12.a busy day 13.go to the cinema 14.the unforgettable 15.my dream 16.when I was young 17.my hometown 18.swimming 19.the river 20.plant trees 21.my happy life 22.the party at my home 23.a lucky day 24.my goal in the furture 25.the uk 26.clean my bedroom 27.my bedroom 28.the place I want to go 29.my love 30.the trip to...... 其实,有很多,我都写过这些,但有的题目改了,因为希望你明白什么意思,小孩,友情提醒,99年的90后知己(无辜被人骂)初一很重要,但初一作文要求不高,一般是有提示,外加中文,翻译一下就ok啦。。为什么比你大一年,你却比我小两级?*-*对了 。加分啊!辛辛苦苦大了那么长时间啊


1.How do you deal with your problems in studies? / How to learn English?

2.How do we protect the environment? / Animals are in danger

3.A Trip to The Great Wall

4.A Birthday Party

5.How do we keep healthy?

6.Can we surf the Internet?

7.Spring Festival

8.The differences between Chinese and American names.

9.My favorite singer

10.A busy day / The seasons in my hometown



our country has a large area of forest. however,not until recently did the goverment begin to realize the importance of protecting the forest. as we may know from various sources,the government recently adopted a policy called restore the farmland to the forest(退耕还林)。this has brought much hope to the forest of our country as well as the sustainable development of our


a big snowstorm

